We’ve heard about mass layoffs and businesses closing, but another, more uplifting trend is happening during the pandemic. People are voluntarily leaving their jobs. Despite the uncertainty—economic or otherwise—people are still taking risks to find something better for themselves. The Numbers How many people are making the change? Depending on the survey and details […]
Tag Archives: job
Making Sense of Hiring and Job Trends in 2021
Career Tip Changing Careers Trends
We don’t exist in a bubble—knowing what is happening in our larger world is one of the many tools we can use to get where we want to go. Knowledge certainly is power! There’s no topic I follow more closely than hiring and work/employment trends, and during this past year, I’ve had my eye […]
So You Lost Your Job, Part 3: Where to Go Next
Career Tip Changing Careers Leaving Your Job
In the last two articles, I talked about a few things you should do right after you’re let go, and I shared some tips on how to cope with job loss. And now you have a choice on what to do next. Do you immediately hunt for a new job in your current field? Or […]
So You Lost Your Job, Part 1: Nuts and Bolts
Leaving Your Job
Even though the world is stressful enough right now, layoffs are still happening and the stress just keeps piling on. If you have been laid off, know that you’re not alone and you can get through this. Losing a job is a traumatic experience, and taking it for all that it is (and isn’t) will […]
There Is No Such Thing as Job Security; You Can Still Thrive
Changing Careers Confidence
I have to tell you this because I think we all need to hear it: There’s no such thing as job security. That was true before the Covid-19 pandemic, but it’s even more evident now. On one hand, I think we were all starting to see the cracks in this ideal, that there are some […]
Career Myths #7: How Good Is Having a Backup Plan?
Career Tip Leaving Your JobUnfounded and untrue myths about job searching and careers are a major source of stress for my clients, and it pains me when I see them needlessly struggle. I’ve been spending the last couple of months here trying my best to dispel the lies we’ve been told. I’ve tackled the actual risk of changing careers, […]
Career Myths #4 and #5: What Does It Mean When You’re Unhappy at Work?
Changing Careers Leaving Your Job
More and more I hear people talk about the importance of having healthy self-talk—making sure the dialogue in your head is helpful, accurate, and caring. This goes for the stories we tell ourselves too. We carry around a lot of preconceived ideas about what we should be doing and how we should be going about […]
Career Myths That Are Holding You Back #2 and #3
Career Tip Changing Careers Confidence
Last month, I started compiling a list of unfounded preconceived ideas that my clients sometimes have about how job searching goes and what is and isn’t done. And whenever a client was struggling to get where they needed to go, it often stemmed from this list. So I think just about everyone will benefit from […]
Career Myths That Are Holding You Back #1
Career Tools Job Hunting LinkedIn Networking
I’ve noticed a worrying trend among my clients: they have unfounded preconceived ideas about how job searching goes and what is and isn’t done. And these outlooks are holding them back in a big way. Because I keep hearing the same harmful ideas, I’ve come up with a list of the biggies, which I’ll share […]
12 Questions That Will Impress Your Interviewer
Career Tip Interviews
You’ve been practicing your answers to the typical questions for your next big interview, but what about the inevitable “Do you have any questions for us?” portion? Asking the right questions gives you not only more information about the company, but it will show that you’re 1) insightful and a critical thinker and 2) eager […]