We’ve heard about mass layoffs and businesses closing, but another, more uplifting trend is happening during the pandemic. People are voluntarily leaving their jobs. Despite the uncertainty—economic or otherwise—people are still taking risks to find something better for themselves. The Numbers How many people are making the change? Depending on the survey and details […]
Tag Archives: career myth
There Is No Such Thing as Job Security; You Can Still Thrive
Changing Careers Confidence
I have to tell you this because I think we all need to hear it: There’s no such thing as job security. That was true before the Covid-19 pandemic, but it’s even more evident now. On one hand, I think we were all starting to see the cracks in this ideal, that there are some […]
Career Myths #10: Everyone Needs a Mission Statement
Career Tip Personal Branding
So far I’ve challenged the idea that you have one perfect job waiting for you out there and that you should be asking yourself “What’s the best thing for me to do?” among other career myths that are holding us back. This time, I want to explore another career myth I hear every so often. And […]
Career Myths #9: “What’s the Best Thing for Me to Do?”
Career Tip Changing Careers
I hear a lot of unfounded ideas of how to find a job that is right for you. Nothing breaks my heart more than people accidentally getting in their own way! And that’s exactly what career myths are: lies we’ve been told that are keeping up from achieving happiness. So far I’ve dispelled several myths […]
Career Myths #8: Expect a Career Epiphany to Save You
Career Tip Changing Careers Job Hunting
Over the handful of months, I’ve taken it upon myself to dispel unfounded and harmful myths about careers and the job-searching process. These career myths are straight from the clients’ mouths—we all seem to think we know what a career should look like and how to build it, but sometimes we couldn’t be more wrong. […]
Career Myths #7: How Good Is Having a Backup Plan?
Career Tip Leaving Your JobUnfounded and untrue myths about job searching and careers are a major source of stress for my clients, and it pains me when I see them needlessly struggle. I’ve been spending the last couple of months here trying my best to dispel the lies we’ve been told. I’ve tackled the actual risk of changing careers, […]
Career Myths That Are Holding You Back #2 and #3
Career Tip Changing Careers Confidence
Last month, I started compiling a list of unfounded preconceived ideas that my clients sometimes have about how job searching goes and what is and isn’t done. And whenever a client was struggling to get where they needed to go, it often stemmed from this list. So I think just about everyone will benefit from […]