We’ve heard about mass layoffs and businesses closing, but another, more uplifting trend is happening during the pandemic. People are voluntarily leaving their jobs. Despite the uncertainty—economic or otherwise—people are still taking risks to find something better for themselves. The Numbers How many people are making the change? Depending on the survey and details […]
Tag Archives: career
Making Sense of Hiring and Job Trends in 2021
Career Tip Changing Careers Trends
We don’t exist in a bubble—knowing what is happening in our larger world is one of the many tools we can use to get where we want to go. Knowledge certainly is power! There’s no topic I follow more closely than hiring and work/employment trends, and during this past year, I’ve had my eye […]
What Effective Goals Actually Look Like
Career Tip Confidence
Well, 2020 was a bust. Maybe you had some good things happen. (I hope you did!) My guess is that at least one good thing happened to you, and most likely more. But still, it’d be nice to shake off 2020 and create a new start in 2021. So how do we move forward into […]
Did You Know You Can Prepare for Change?
Changing Careers Confidence
The steps for preparing for change—both big change and small change—look remarkably alike. Whether you’re considering New Year’s resolutions, anticipating a sudden dip in employment, or preparing to make a big life change, you can take a few actions to prepare yourself. First, why prepare for change? Change means that something will be different than […]
So You Lost Your Job, Part 3: Where to Go Next
Career Tip Changing Careers Leaving Your Job
In the last two articles, I talked about a few things you should do right after you’re let go, and I shared some tips on how to cope with job loss. And now you have a choice on what to do next. Do you immediately hunt for a new job in your current field? Or […]
So You Lost Your Job, Part 2: Coping with Job Loss
Career Tip Leaving Your Job
You may have a string of thoughts going through your head right after and for days or weeks after you’re laid off. Why was I let go? Why didn’t X get let go? What am I going to do now? What do I tell my family? What a relief to finally know. Oh well, that’s […]
So You Lost Your Job, Part 1: Nuts and Bolts
Leaving Your Job
Even though the world is stressful enough right now, layoffs are still happening and the stress just keeps piling on. If you have been laid off, know that you’re not alone and you can get through this. Losing a job is a traumatic experience, and taking it for all that it is (and isn’t) will […]
The 3 Things to Mention When Asked “Why This Job?”
Changing Careers Interviews Job HuntingThis is easily one of the most important questions you’ll be asked in an interview. An interviewer can read a lot about you and your skills and passion in your answer. They’re already interested in you if you’ve made it this far; now they want to know more about who you are and what you […]
How to Job Search During and After a Pandemic
Career Tip Changing Careers Job Hunting
I will be the first to admit that there wasn’t a pandemic portion of my career coach training way back when. We’re all in new territory, and anyone who says they know exactly what to do right now is a liar. Now that we got that out of the way! What Other People Think As […]
Career Myths #10: Everyone Needs a Mission Statement
Career Tip Personal Branding
So far I’ve challenged the idea that you have one perfect job waiting for you out there and that you should be asking yourself “What’s the best thing for me to do?” among other career myths that are holding us back. This time, I want to explore another career myth I hear every so often. And […]