In a job search, you’ll need to research a prospective company at least two separate times (but most likely more): (1) when you’re applying for the position (writing your cover letter especially!) and (2) when you’re preparing for an interview. (Bonus: (3) before either of these, when you reach out to talk with someone there […]
Archive | Job Hunting
The 3 Things to Mention When Asked “Why This Job?”
Changing Careers Interviews Job HuntingThis is easily one of the most important questions you’ll be asked in an interview. An interviewer can read a lot about you and your skills and passion in your answer. They’re already interested in you if you’ve made it this far; now they want to know more about who you are and what you […]
How to Job Search During and After a Pandemic
Career Tip Changing Careers Job HuntingI will be the first to admit that there wasn’t a pandemic portion of my career coach training way back when. We’re all in new territory, and anyone who says they know exactly what to do right now is a liar. Now that we got that out of the way! What Other People Think As […]
Career Myths #8: Expect a Career Epiphany to Save You
Career Tip Changing Careers Job HuntingOver the handful of months, I’ve taken it upon myself to dispel unfounded and harmful myths about careers and the job-searching process. These career myths are straight from the clients’ mouths—we all seem to think we know what a career should look like and how to build it, but sometimes we couldn’t be more wrong. […]
Career Myths That Are Holding You Back #1
Career Tools Job Hunting LinkedIn NetworkingI’ve noticed a worrying trend among my clients: they have unfounded preconceived ideas about how job searching goes and what is and isn’t done. And these outlooks are holding them back in a big way. Because I keep hearing the same harmful ideas, I’ve come up with a list of the biggies, which I’ll share […]
Finding Your Passion, and What to Do Instead
Changing Careers Job Hunting“Find your passion.” The phrase conjures up some mixed feelings. On one hand, we imagine Future Me living our best life, one where we’re smiling at work and making real and important change happen. There’s a glossy filter on this fantasy. And on the other hand, we feel a small bubble of panic rise from […]
Trends I’m Seeing in the Job Market
Interviews Job Hunting ResourcesPeople often ask me for insider scoop on what to expect in the coming year when it comes to the job market. While of course the future isn’t entirely predictable, I’ve been noticing some trends that may help you out. Expect a wildly unpredictable hiring timeline (and process). At the beginning of the process, […]
Self-Care: The Overlooked Job Search Technique—Part 2
Changing Careers Confidence Job HuntingLast month, I shared with you the often-ignored job search technique: self-care. Now you won’t necessarily find me suggesting a new face mask or a “treat yo’self” trip to the mall (though no judgments if that’s what you gotta do!). But we can all take some actions that don’t involve scrolling through LinkedIn and Glassdoor […]
Self-Care: The Overlooked Job Search Technique—Part 1
Changing Careers Confidence Job HuntingI talk a lot on this blog about specific things to do while job searching. (Have you updated your LinkedIn profile yet??) But there’s another aspect about the job hunt that is less talked about, though it’s getting more attention recently: self-care. If you’re looking for a new job, it’s a pretty safe bet that […]
Another Look at How to Introduce Yourself to a Stranger on LinkedIn
Career Tip Career Tools Job Hunting LinkedInA couple of years ago, I addressed this topic of how to introduce yourself to a stranger on LinkedIn (as well as why in most cases you shouldn’t connect with the hiring managers). I’m delighted that my original article has helped connect professionals. One of my clients “cold-called” their way into finding a perfect new […]