Archive by Author

My Greatest Weakness Is That I Work Too Hard…

Job interviews have changed. I’m not trying to scare you with job interview horror stories (although I do have a few), but times have changed and interviews have too. Your answers have to be authentic, show personal awareness and highlight your experience. This article reminds me that being prepared to answer a couple of curve […]


I received this list today — the top recruiting firms in the country. I’ve blogged before about working with recruiters, and I really like this recruiter’s musings on the topic, especially that recruiters “find people for jobs” not “jobs for people”.

Packaging vs. Branding

Don’t confuse branding with “packaging”. If you’re a tofu burger packaged as an all-beef burger, it’s just not going to work. Packaging preps us for what’s inside. Packaging helps us to quickly sort through options. The main mistake I see careerists make with branding is they focus too much on the packaging, and not enough […]

You, the Brand

I did a workshop a few weeks ago about job interviewing. And when I talked about the importance of making sure that your interview is consistent with your personal brand, I had several blank looks from workshop participants. What can I tell you about branding that you don’t already know? From a career coach perspective, […]

Stingy Professionals

Early on in my career, I wasn’t as professionally generous as I could have been. I often didn’t share job leads or open up my network to others. Why? A few of the reasons that come to mind are: Too busy. Not sure how to best help. Hesitant to bother my contacts. Not wanting to […]

Resume Mistakes

So a writer for a new website (personal finance) called to interview me on common resume mistakes for a column called “HR Confidential”. It is REALLY hard to be original with resume material/tips. Trust me. So here’s what you really need to know — if it isn’t relevant, don’t include it. Not sure if it’s […]

Green Jobs in Portland

Last week, someone called me to see if I would endorse their career book. After reading some excerpts, I had to decline. There was nothing in the book that felt new, different or particularly insightful. But here’s a book I like, if you’re looking for a green job. I highly recommend it. Its focus is […]